Historical Documentary "A Jornada dos Principes" to screen in Brasilia as Bicentennial Celebrations Build 

Event will count with the presence of His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Bertrand of Orleans and Bragança, Head of the Imperial House of Brazil, and director Malcolm Forest

By Deni Moraes

Adding celebrations of the state visit of Emperor Pedro I's  heart to Brasilia, the country's Bicentennial week takes greater momentum Monday, September 5 as the Historic and Geographic Insitute of the Capital District welcomes the head of the Imperial House, S.A.I.R. Prince Bertrand of Orleans and Bragança, and film director Malcolm Forest for the first-ever public showing of the recently completed historical documentary "The Journey of the Princes."

Hii Imperial and Royal Highness,
Prince Bertrand of Orleans and Bragança

In commemoration of the Bicentennial of Independence of Brazil, the solemn avant-première screening that will host the imperial heir and special guests, anticipates a full program of premiere events later in the month. The film tells the story of Emperor Dom Pedro I and Princess Dona Maria Leopoldina in the historic months of August and September 1822, leading to the declaration of Independence of Brazil on the 7th of September 1822 with Dom Pedro's extraordinary Grito de Ipiranga, "Independence or death!" 

Starring as Emperatiz Leopoldina and Dom Pedro, Júlia Zanatta and André Kirmayr fill the main roles, with music authored by Dom Pedro I himself and by the film's director, Composer Malcolm Forest.

They had music in common...They had the Fatherland in common...Together, they made Brazil's Independence,” begins the documentary which depicts the important dates and events that form the intangible patrimony of the creation of Brazil, retracing the beautiful locations and historic places where the then-Prince stayed in Rio de Janeiro, the Paraiba Valley, in Minas Gerais, and in Sao Paulo. It is the glorious and heroic beginning of an independent Brazil.

The film counts with the perspective remarks of
Princesa Dona Maria Gabriela de Orleans e Bragança

The screening will take place  Monday, September 7, at 7pm at the Historical and Geographical Institute of the Federal District at SEPS EQ 703/903 Set C - Brasília, DF, 70390-039.

This Bicentennial event will host special guests, and there will be limited openings for the general public. Those interested in attending, RSVP at  (61) 98342-9222.

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